Frequently Asked Questions
How do I order animals?
Check our Animal Procurement page
How much do my animals cost per day?
Check out Animal Per Diem page for more information
What’s the policy on…. ?
All animal use policies can be found in the IACUC Policies and Procedures
How soon do I need to submit my protocol for IACUC review?
The IACUC meets once a month. You must submit your protocol for review no later than the Monday (before noon) a week before the IACUC convenes. Check our Meeting Dates page for times and submission deadlines.
Any tips on surgery?
Plenty! To start, check out some of the training videos we have from outside resources. Then be sure to contact DLAM for further guidance pertinent to your species and surgical procedures.
How do I get my graduate and/or undergraduate students access to animals?
Follow this checklist, and your students will be on their way.
How long is my protocol approved for?
The short answer is three years, but it needs to be updated prior to the approval anniversary on year 1 and year 2. Be sure to check out the Annual Updates page for more information.